2 min readFeb 9, 2023


Hey there! Are you new to Katie’s Krop’s and curious to learn more about our website redesign? Well, you’re in luck! We’re going to give you a comprehensive walk through of all the changes we’ve implemented to make your user experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Let’s take a look at how our new website works and how it can help you accomplish your goals.

Katie Stagliano, who was 9 years old at the time and had grown a 40-pound cabbage, founded Katie’s Krops. After giving the cabbage to a nearby soup kitchen and feeding over 270 people with it, she came to the realization that growing more veggies and herbs could enable her to continue to assist others.

We got into the organization and the fun that we could have with this website since we were so eager to work with Katie and her nonprofit. We made the decision to arrange the home page and menu to follow the course of the vegetables in order to ensure that the story was understandable.

Join us as we walk through some of the design ideas for the new Katie’s Krops website we just completed.

Additionally, visit the website to view each page that was created at

We hope you have enjoyed our walkthrough of the design ideas for the new Katie’s Krops website. We are confident that it will help bring awareness to the great work that Katie’s Krops does and inspire others to get involved. If you are looking for help with your next web project, Advyon can help. Our team of experts can help you create the perfect website for your needs. Visit us at and let us help you create something special.




Advyon Consulting is Charleston, SC’s only IT services and network management company dedicated to helping people.